
Most video marketing
isn’t effective

Many videos fail to stand out amid the constant stream of ads, which can dilute your investment.

We believe that video marketing should be an essential and attainable tool for every business, ensuring your message not only reaches but resonates with your audience."

You deserve more than just a video.

Here at Lux Lab Video Marketing, we don’t just hit record and edit something that looks nice. We have a proven video marketing process that is strategic and designed to drive value for your organization.

Deploy A Strategy.

The difference between video marketing that works and video marketing that doesn’t is a solid strategy behind the production and distribution of your videos.

Stand Out and Be Known.

When you create “light bulb moments,” people are more likely to engage with your brand because they want to learn more about who you are and how you can help them.

Achieve a Shocking ROI.

The more you are seen, known, and trusted, the more people you can serve with your life-changing solutions.

Check out the video below to learn more about how we can help you achieve a shocking ROI

Check out the video below to see some of our latest work

At Lux Lab Production House, we want to partner with you so that our team of storytellers can put their knowledge and combined 40 years of experience at your service to help you achieve a shocking ROI.

That means you’ll experience the kind of results our friend Steven Harp and dozens of clients just like him have experienced. You, too, can distinguish your brand in the crowded marketplace!


Featured projects:

Our unique approach is designed to provide lasting value for your brand.

Our proven video marketing process is enhanced with a powerful storytelling framework.

Click the button below to take a look at our services, including recommended packages designed to eliminate the guesswork. Then, schedule a meeting with our team so we take the first step.

Step 1.png

Get your Video Marketing plan.

We’ll sit down together to create a strategic video marketing plan.

Step 2.png

We’ll execute your plan.

With your strategic plan as our blueprint, our expert team will get it done for you.

Step 3.png

You’ll Stand out and be known.

Deploy your strategic video marketing and experience the kind of visibility that turns your viewers into customers.


Don’t get lost in the
sea of ads.

Too many brands are going unknown, missing out on opportunities to serve people they will never meet.

Stop your brand from getting lost in the sea of ads with video marketing that helps your brand be seen, known, and trusted.

So you can serve more and more people with the life-changing solutions you provide.
